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Talking About Care From Health Clinics

Hi there, I'm Kira Shepherd. When my kids were little, I spent a lot of time at the health care clinic. Children need an exam when they hurt themselves or run a high fever. Any other distressing symptoms are also best explored by a qualified physician. Thankfully, my local health care clinic always helped reassure me that the kids were healthy and developing well. I will share information about common diagnostic procedures and treatments performed at health care clinics. I will talk about alternatives, like going to the hospital or treating at home. My site will cover common symptoms and complications caused by a wide range of illness and injuries. Please visit my site often to learn more information. Thank you.



Talking About Care From Health Clinics

Don't Ignore These Possible Signs Of Prostate Cancer

by Jack Long

Prostate cancer treatment has come a long way in recent years. From surgery to chemotherapy, there are more options than ever before, and they're more effective than ever before. However, you do still need to start treating prostate cancer as early as possible. This means you really can't afford to ignore the early symptoms of the disease. If you notice these signs, arrange for prostate cancer testing ASAP.

Discomfort When Urinating

If you experience burning, itching, or any sort of pain when you urinate, there's a greater chance that you have a urinary tract infection or kidney stones than prostate cancer. However, there is a chance this symptom is due to prostate cancer, too, which means you need to be tested. Similarly, if your doctor treats you for a urinary tract infection but the symptoms remain, you need to let your doctor know. This could indicate that, along with a UTI, you're also developing prostate cancer.

Frequent Urination

Do you feel like you need to urinate more often? You may notice, though, that each time you go, you only have to pass a small amount of urine. This, too, can be a sign of a UTI or prostate cancer, which makes testing essential. In the case of prostate cancer, the urge to urinate comes from the fact that a swollen prostate tends to place pressure on the bladder, making you feel like you need to urinate.

Pain When Sitting

A lot of men with prostate cancer notice that when they sit down, they feel a sort of pain or discomfort in their lower abdomen. This pain may only be a dull ache, and you might be tempted to ignore it. It may also be sharper, shifting or ending when you shift your position in the chair. This pain could be the result of an enlarged prostate pressing on a nerve.

Erectile Dysfunction

If you've suddenly developed a case of erectile dysfunction, it could be due to prostate cancer. This is especially likely if you've already ruled out other possible causes such as high blood pressure and low testosterone levels. The prostate can place pressure on blood vessels, preventing the penis from receiving enough blood to achieve an erection.

Prostate cancer is quite treatable these days, but you have the best chance of recovery when you diagnose and treat it early. Keep your eyes out for the signs above, and contact your doctor if you're concerned.

For more information, contact a company such as Affinity Health Group.
