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Talking About Care From Health Clinics

Hi there, I'm Kira Shepherd. When my kids were little, I spent a lot of time at the health care clinic. Children need an exam when they hurt themselves or run a high fever. Any other distressing symptoms are also best explored by a qualified physician. Thankfully, my local health care clinic always helped reassure me that the kids were healthy and developing well. I will share information about common diagnostic procedures and treatments performed at health care clinics. I will talk about alternatives, like going to the hospital or treating at home. My site will cover common symptoms and complications caused by a wide range of illness and injuries. Please visit my site often to learn more information. Thank you.



Talking About Care From Health Clinics

How Your Doctor Might Be Able To Help You Lose Weight

by Jack Long

If you have been trying to lose weight on your own but are struggling a little too much, you might want to make a doctor's appointment. There might be some things that your doctor can suggest or help you with in order to give your weight loss journey a little jump start. Here are some examples of how you might be able to be helped through a doctor-monitored medical weight loss treatment.

Run Some Tests

There might be a medical reason behind your struggle to lose weight. If you have changed your eating habits, have started to drink more water, and are exercising and you are not losing weight as your doctor would expect, there could be a problem with your thyroid. Your doctor will give you an exam and then send you off to have your thyroid levels tested. If there is an issue with your thyroid, you can begin to take medication, and this should help you begin to lose weight.

Prescription Medication

While your doctor will first try to help you lose weight through just diet and exercise alone, if you are struggling with hunger pains and you end up eating more than you should, they might offer a prescription. There are some prescription medications that can be taken for appetite suppression. It is important to make sure that you are taking this medication as prescribed and that you continue your healthy eating habits. Remember, medication is not a lifelong thing, so you will have to get to a point where your doctor starts to take you off of the medication. Never stop taking prescription medication unless advised to do so by your doctor.


In severe cases of morbid obesity, a doctor might suggest getting surgery that can help you lose a lot of weight fairly fast. There are some qualifications that you must meet, and those may vary based on who your doctor is and what your insurance company requires. It is also a non-reversible surgery, and it will require you to be extra careful with what you eat and drink for the rest of your life.

Now that you have a better understanding of how your primary care doctor might be able to help you with your weight loss journey, you are going to want to make an appointment. Be sure to call to schedule your consultation with your doctor as soon as you can, especially since many doctors have schedules that tend to get extremely packed. Since a weight loss consultation is not an emergency, in most cases, you might have to wait a few weeks to be seen. This is why you do not want to delay that call.
